5 Exercises to Reduce Stress

Everyday life can take its toll. Stress overcomes all of us, but it’s important to not let it get you down. Exercise and physical activity have been proven to relieve stress. Working out produces endorphins, the natural painkillers, and improves quality of sleep, which in turn reduces stress. Read this blog to learn what activities can lead to a more stress-free life.

High Energy Activities

This includes activities such as running, dancing, spinning, etc. An accelerated heart rate allows the body to release endorphins, causing a natural mood boost. Try engaging in a high energy activity at least twice a week. You are sure to notice a drastic change in your overall mood.


This workout strengthens the body and gives you a better sense of control. It offers a calmer alternative to higher energy activities. A mixture of pilates and other workouts provides the perfect balance that will calm the body and mind. You can go the extra mile by even walking to your local pilates studio, allowing you to rack up those steps to use for Fit For Bucks rewards!

Martial Arts

This workout form provides the perfect outlet for releasing energy, frustration and tension.


This is another workout to let go of frustration — having an outlet to release energy and anger drastically relieves stress. As with other high energy workouts, kickboxing can lead to better sleep, which contributes to the release of stress.

Outdoor Activities

Simply going outside and getting some fresh air can enhance your mood. Combining this with some form of exercise (like walking, running, biking, etc.) will help clear your mind and relieve some of that tension.


An active lifestyle leads to a healthier and happier you. Fit For Bucks provides the incentive to help you stay on track. It’s time to turn your steps into rewards! Visit our website to learn more.